Data Deletion

Langchats Data Deletion

Data Deletion Request

To request the deletion of some or all of your personal data from our system, please contact our dedicated support team at We understand the importance of privacy and data protection, and we are committed to addressing your concerns promptly and professionally.

To facilitate the data deletion process, please include the following details in your email:

  1. Subject: Data Deletion Request
  2. Full Name: Kindly provide the full name associated with your account.
  3. Registered Email Address: Please provide the email address linked to your account for identification purposes.
  4. Description of Data: Specify the specific personal data you would like to be deleted. This may include information such as your name, contact details, preferences, chat history, or any other identifiable information stored in our system.

Upon receiving your email, our support team will verify your identity and proceed with the necessary steps to permanently delete the specified personal data from our servers. We will make every effort to complete this process in a timely manner, ensuring compliance with relevant data protection regulations.

Please note that the data deletion request will only apply to the personal information associated with your account. It is important to understand that certain data may be retained for legal or legitimate business purposes as required by applicable laws or regulations.

We assure you that your personal data will be handled with the utmost care and confidentiality during the deletion process. We understand the trust you have placed in us by providing your information and strive to maintain the highest standards of data security.

Should you have any further questions or require additional assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are dedicated to providing you with the necessary support throughout this process.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Best regards,

The Linguajay Support Team